
Emini Trading Finding Market Bottom for Nice Profit

Never Run Out of Money

Learn to trade! Trading can be learned, like anything else, except that it’s the most valuable skill of all, because it can support a person forever, without depending on a job or  a paycheck. Make enough money in just a few hours a day to live comfortably. Become financially independent and live without fear of running out of money. Let me explain in this video.

It’s just before 3 o’clock May 23 Thursday. It’s been a brutal down day, the S&P is down 480 and I just took a position to the upside. Now, why did I do that?

I’ll go to a one day chart showing why. Okay here’s where I entered my position. There’s a support level right in this area and it goes back to March  – the 3rd week of March.

So going back two months there is support area right here and if it’s violated I’ll get out of the trade. The trade is slightly underwater now but I’m going to monitor this carefully. It’s a seesaw right now but if I see any real blood I’m going to get out otherwise I think this is a good place for an entry and that’s why I did it.

Check out my course, “Trading Mastery For Financial Freedom” at Timelessdollar.com Send me an email any questions, I’d love to hear from you and I’m here to help.

Have a good day,

Marv Eisen