
Take What The Market Gives & Give Nothing Back

When It Comes To Trading:

Take What You Can & Give Nothing Back


In the movie “Pirates of the Carribbean” Captain Jack Sparrow and his first mate have a dialogue that goes:

“Take What You Can & Give Nothing Back”

Emini trading is an exciting way to make money but the market takes as well as gives. 

Traders should be satisfied with whatever gains the market allows, even if the gains are small. The market gives but the market also takes, so when the market reverses and the trader feels their gains slipping away, it is often wise to close the position and be satisfied with the gain.

There will be other opportunities throughout the trading session or the next session. Trading is a business and traders need to know all they can about the business of trading. The market itself is difficult for traders, so it is vital for every trader to become knowledgeable about the business of trading.

Having as much information as possible gives S&P emini day traders a big advantage over “seat of the pants” traders. It cannot be stressed enough that without learning as much as possible about the market, it is highly unlikely that a trader will succeed at making money by day trading S&P emini futures, much less in a trading career.

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