Profitable Emini Trading Using Trading Zones
Skilled Traders Know The Day’s Trading Zone
Trading Zones can be extremely helpful in determining the emini price range for the day. A trading zone can be defined as a box bounded on the top by a resistance point on top and on the bottom by a support point, or support and resistance, as they are commonly known. Learning how to calculate a trading zone is an important part of learning how to trade eminis.
Hello fellow traders, It’s Monday, December 30th, just before the New Year’s. Now I know most of you are probably taking the week off, but in case you decided that you wanted to try your hand at trading this week. Today, on December 30th, the Taylor trading calculator gave us a fantastic trading day.
Now here’s my Taylor calculator plotted out on my chart. The Taylor calculator is a powerful tool to use for traders who are looking to hit home runs. Now, I don’t say that lightly. The Taylor trading calculator is a series of formulas developed by George Taylor almost 80 years ago in studying the grain markets, and he studied how price, movements and. And price makers. Move the market in a way to cause change price change. And in doing so, he adopted a dozen calculations. Whose average of averages go into determining a trading range.
The trading range is actually comprised of a support number and a resistance number. And of course we can measure the distance in between 60 points for today on Monday, December 30th. Now the absolute support and resistance numbers are less important than the absolute range. So let’s look. How today developed and why I say that today was such a fantastic day for using the Taylor training calculator? The Taylor Trading Zone is an advanced technique and if you want to learn more about the Taylor Trading zone, click right over at Taylor trading calculator and you’ll see what it’s all about. It’ll give you a complete information. Including testimonials.
The Taylor Training calculator is offered in two iterations, 1 as a version that’s best for Eminis and markets that move more than 10 points/day, and for other markets that move in fewer than 10 points a day. I use the regular calculator, but find out more about the Taylor trading zone. The Taylor calculator been proven accurate in markets throughout the world. Check it out. You’ll be glad you did
Having as much information as possible gives S&P emini day traders a big advantage over “seat of the pants” traders. It cannot be stressed enough that without learning as much as possible about the market, it is highly unlikely that a trader will succeed at making money by day trading S&P emini futures, much less in a trading career.
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