About Timeless Dollar Trading Academy
Hi, I’m Marv Eisen, and welcome to my site, timelessdollar.com. I began trading back in 2004, more as necessity than a desire to do so. The company I worked for decided to outsource its manufacturing, and there went my long-held management position. I was simply looking for a way to replace my income, and trading seemed to offer a good-paying alternative. Not knowing much about trading, (except that it offered the potential to make good money), I enrolled in a course.
Let’s just say that what you learn in a trading course is just a start. A course will teach you the nuts and bolts of trading, what to look for, the technical terms, and so on and so forth, but in order to know how to trade, it takes experience in dealing with the “market”. Markets may look the same, looking at their charts, but they’re not. Learning how one market moves is difficult enough, and that’s why I stick to one. I focus on the S&P emini futures market. Futures trading offers several advantages over stocks. There’s no PDT (pattern day trading rule) in futures trading. Also, profits earned trading futures are taxed at a lower rate than profits from stocks. I discuss the advantages of trading futures in my course.
That’s me, Marv Eisen, below, on my boat in an old photo. I now live on the East end of Long Island and I’ve had my fill of boating.
These days, I focus on simply trading consistently and focusing on attainable goals. That’s what this website is about. If that’s your goal as well, you’re in the right place.
Timeless Dollars
I wrote this blog to help you and those looking to learn to navigate and grow in the markets. If trading results in your becoming rich, great, but the goal is to help you learn to trade consistently so you can meet your portfolio goals.
Years ago, I made lifestyle choices that ran toward the affluent. That’s me, on the bridge of my boat. I loved boating, and my dream was to have a boat that would take me fishing and cruising in exciting places. I loved the ocean and wanted to fish for tuna out at the Hudson Canyon, 100 miles offshore of NY. I did that. I wanted to cruise on my boat from Nantucket to Key West. I did that. It was great. I made my lifestyle choices without a crystal ball or too much concern for the future. Life was good.
My years of success as an engineering manager made me overconfident in my abilities. That became obvious when I started trading.
Trading requires a whole new set of skills that they don’t teach in school. IMO, it takes a good deal of time to become reasonbly consistent at trading, let alone comfortable. I know that others want to get to a level of confidence as traders. That’s the whole purpose of the resources on this site.
Helping you learn to navigate the market and create consistent trading habits – that’s what TimelessDollar.com is all about.
If what you’ve read makes sense and you’re looking to learn the skills required to trade and the risks inherent in trading, enroll in my emini futures trading course, Trading Mastery For Financial Freedom.