
BIG PROFITS Daytrading FOMC Days

The Art of Chart Reading is The Art of Making Money

Successfully Trading The FOMC Interest Announcement

The Federal Reserve meets 6 times each year to consider raising or lowering interest rates based on the strength of the economy. The decision is usually a market-moving event, and the market can move quickly as soon as the interest rate decision is announced.

Even if rates are held steady, sudden price action is typical. It is during these days when the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) decision is announced that knowledgeable traders can make a very nice profit. At the very least, traders know when the market will move, even though the direction is less certain.

Nevertheless, jumping on a trade based on momentum shortly after the announcement is made is more often than not the proper action that traders should take based on their chart reading skills.

Chart reading is the art of turning your mindset into money. Learn to read Emini charts to find profitable trade entries and exits. Trading is the most valuable skill anyone can learn and can provide income for life. Make enough money in just a few hours a day to live comfortably and live without fear of running out of money.