
Consistent Trading Profits With This Information

Consistent Trading Profits

With This Information


Where Is The Market Going?

Emini trading can be consistently profitable when traders know where the market is going. That seems logical, but also fanciful. Logical because it simply makes sense, and fanciful because, well, how is it possible to know where the market is going? How is it possible to know where the market will go each day? 

Here is an example of how I try to determine where the market is going: Each day, after the market closes, I make a number of calculations using algorithms first developed by George Taylor (Taylor’s Book Method), and build upon by others who’ve studied the markets over the years. These calculations result in 10 intermediate calculations, and two final calculations of where the next day’s market will likely find levels of support, resistance, and the next day’s potential market range. The calculations are uncannily accurate, although not 100%. Nevertheless, the levels of support, resistance, and range are the closest thing to having a crystal ball that tells where the market is likely to trade the following day. And on days when the numbers are inaccurate, a correction adjustment based on intraday prices results in greater clarity.

Some of the information that S&P emini futures traders should have are:

  1. The Trend
  2. The Intraday and / or Low
  3. The Calculated Trading Zone via Taylor’s Book Method
  4. The daily calculated range
  5. Support and resistance levels
  6. Stochastics
  7. Candlestick patterns

These are some of the bits and pieces of information every trader needs to have in order to assess a trade. Of course, that is not to say that even with all this information a trade will work out, but having this knowledge puts the odds of success more on the trader’s side.

Having as much information as possible gives S&P emini day traders a big advantage over “seat of the pants” traders. It cannot be stressed enough that without learning as much as possible about the market, it is highly unlikely that a trader will succeed at making money by day trading S&P emini futures, much less in a trading career.

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