Never Run Out of Money
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin
E-mini trading is one way to make money from home, but it’s not for everyone. The Coronavirus has caused a lot of people to worry how they will survive financially – how they are going to get their next dollar. The U.S. Congress is working on a financial rescue plan, but how much confidence is there about the government taking care of you and your family? An education in e-mini trading is the first step in learning how to generate income in uncertain times.
I’m Marv Eisen and for years now I’ve been educating people how they can make money through trading S&P E-mini futures. Now, e-mini trading isn’t for everyone and S&P E-mini trading isn’t like long-term investing, although both have their roots in the stock market as a means of making money.
Let me show you how to lose your fear of running out of money by learning how to trade. YOU CAN LEARN THIS SKILL. I’ve made a video that explains why trading is the most VALUABLE skill you can ever learn. Also, subscribe to my mailing list to learn more about my course, “Trading Mastery For Financial Freedom” at Simply click the button.
Should You Learn E-mini Trading?
The object of long-term investing is to put money away for 10, 20, or 30 years and letting it grow for retirement. That’s been the sensible and conservative way for almost everyone to plan for the time they stop working for a living.
No, I’m not talking about money for retirement – I’m talking about spendable money you could generate as income – the same as you would if you were earning a weekly paycheck.
E-mini trading certainly isn’t for everyone and it takes a good deal of a gut feeling, or intuition, in addition to traditional learning for a trader to be successful. And while there are basic principles that can be learned via standard educational techniques, it’s not something that really can be learned from a book. You can learn the principles of e-mini trading, but it comes down to a combination of conventional learning, discerning potential market direction based on current events, from news of anything that can affect the stock market, and what your gut feeling tells you about price action as it occurs in real time.
Of those people who attempt to make money through trading, most lose
money and give up, frankly. Why is that? First and foremost, to the inexperienced, e-mini trading looks so easy. That’s because, looking at a chart in hindsight, it actually DOES look quite simple.
And because, to them, it looks easy, these folks don’t take the time to learn beyond the basics of e-mini trading, they don’t practice simulated trading for a long enough time, they don’t learn to address their innermost gut feeling by confronting losses in their simulation account, they don’t study price action in the particular market (or stock) they plan to trade, and and they don’t practice when, and where, to jump in and jump out.
Below is a chart of the S&P index (this is not the futures chart this is the actual S&P – the futures chart mimics the index). Today, March 24, the market opened at 2349. In the first five minutes of trading, prices moved up to about 2375. Now, every point in the S&P E-mini market represents a change in the value of one contract of $50. If you were to purchase one contract when the market opened at 9:30 AM on March 24 and stayed in the market for just five minutes, how much would you make? $1,250- just in this five-minute period.

Can You Actually Make Money Trading E-mini Futures?
Was it worth buying the market this morning? Certainly! Because the economic news was that the US Congress was about to pass a huge stimulus package that would inject $2 Trillion into the economy.
For a knowledgeable trader, the only thing that they would’ve had to do to make $1,250 in five minutes was to purchase one S&P E-mini contract. But, in order to take that action, you would have had to synthesize all your training, knowledge, and experience to take that action to make the purchase when the market opened at 9:30 AM. $1,250 in just 5 minutes. Most people don’t earn that much in a week at their jobs.
So, is it worth the effort to learn how to trade? Now, I’m not going to tell you that trading is something that should do. But what I’m suggesting is that trading something that certainly should learn HOW to do.
While the coronavirus has shut down most businesses, the stock market is in full operation – with traders doing what they always do. In fact, the stock market hardly ever closes. Because of that, trading is a business that’s conducted every day – Monday through Friday. It’s also a business that allows you to work from home. You don’t need to purchase inventory, and you can do it in just minutes a day.
Trading offers such potential for financial freedom that learning how to trade is unquestionably compelling. Because learning how to trade is indeed compelling, many people enroll in courses that teach trading techniques. TimelessDollar offers an S&P Emini trading course that gives students the knowledge and insight to become successful as long-term traders.
But to be clear, trading is not for everyone, and no trading school can guarantee students they will make money. Nevertheless, because of the potential and opportunity that trading offers, an education in learning how to trade is at least as important as any course taught at colleges and universities.
TimelessDollar’s e-mini trading course starts with the principle that the key to staying in the market over the long term and making money consistently is to learn how to avoid losses. While other trading schools tell the students that they can teach them how to make money, the trick to being successful in the market is learning how to avoid losses.
So, if the Coronavirus has you looking for a way to make money from home, consider taking a course of learning how to trade. Back when you attended school you took a few courses that you probably don’t even use in your day-to-day life but at least you took the courses, figuring the information might be useful some day. In the age of the coronavirus, the reason for learning how to trade is more obvious than ever. Even if you don’t think you can make money from home today, at least learn how to trade because learning how to trade is an invaluable skill that you might find extremely useful in the future.
Trading is probably the most valuable skill anyone can learn to support themselves for the rest of their life. If you’re at home because of the Coronavirus you have time on your hands. You’re going to be sitting home for the next several weeks as of today, March 24. No one knows how long the shutdown is going to last, so it just makes sense to learn something profitable. It’s almost certain that in another month of staying at home, with so much time on your hands, TV will be boring and you’ll want to learn something to make money – especially if the economy doesn’t fully recover. Not everyone will have their job back.
Take the course and learn a money-making skill to enable you to generate income for the rest of your life. Finally – stay safe and take care.