
Emini Trading With (almost) No Risk

Never Run Out of Money

Is there such a thing as risk-free futures trading? Trading emini futures involves risk, and the only way to trade with no risk is to not be in the market. But how to make money if you’re not in the market? Since we want to reduce risk to as close to 0 as possible, the answer is to stay out of the market as much as possible and only place a trade when the very best trading patterns materialize. You can make a good profit trading emini futures with only one trade a week. Wait for the perfect entry and jump in. If it doesn’t move in your favor right away, simply get out.

Learn to trade! Trading can be learned, like anything else, except that it’s the most valuable skill of all, because it can support a person forever, without depending on a job or  a paycheck. Make enough money in just a few hours a day to live comfortably. Become financially independent and live without fear of running out of money. Let me explain in this video.