
Everything Day Traders Need To Know To Be Successful

No, it’s not A.I.

Every day trader wants to know how to be successful. Since so many traders want to know this information, it should be easily available as a book. Go to Amazon, the world’s largest bookstore, and search for the book entitled “Everything traders need to know about day trading to be successful”.

Surprise! There is no such book, but you WILL find others that aim to provide the information. How many? A Lot! With so much information about how to trade, why is it that most traders fail? In all my years of experience, one fact stands out: to be successful as a day, trader, all that’s needed is to see the future. That’s it! If you know where the market is going to trade in the future, you are going to be profitable. It’s simple, you just need to see the future! (since I trade futures, this is a pun!) Simple, but therein lies the problem, because no one knows where the market will trade in the future.

    taylor trading technique

    There are also many YouTube videos that promote various trading strategies., indicators, and systems that promise to provide trading profits. I haven’t heard of one that works, but if you know of one, please LMK.

    IMO, successful day trading comes down to knowledge and experience. Learn all you can, practice it, and if you also develop a “sense of the market” (what prices are telling you), you just may be a successful day trader. In this video, I show everything that, IMO, is everything daytraders need to be successful.

    See more videos about day trading on my Youtube channel.

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