
High Probability Emini Trading Exercise

Finding Entries With Hi Profit Potential

High Probability Emini Trading

High probability emini trading is a skill that all traders aspire to master. One of the most important things traders need to learn is where to enter a trade.  Finding the high probability areas to trade is one of the key factors that determine if the trader will be successful – or not.

Experienced emini traders know they can only be consistently successful if they can recognize where high probability entries may exist. Every trader has his or her strategies for finding points of entry where they consider placing a trade that has a high probability of success. Finding high probability entry points are not easy but price charts present fresh opportunities daily.

Most traders, but especially newbies and novices, don’t take time to find where to enter a trade. There are signals – but finding these signals is not so simple.

In fact, on some days it’s so difficult to find signals that indicate high probability areas to place a trade that it pays to hold off trading at all.

High Probability Trading An Essential Skill

Fact is, it is not easy to learn how to trade, but nothing worthwhile is easy. In spite of this fact, learning how to trade should be included as part of the curriculum taught in schools. I say this due to the vastly different economy of the early 21st century.

Years ago, when the United States was an industrial economy, the subjects that were taught in schools were important components for preparing young people to get a job in the then-industrial economy. The factories and production facilities of the day required workers with the skills to keep the wheels of industry in motion. There was a great and growing need for engineers, factory workers, assemblers, manufacturing managers – everything needed to maintain production.

As long as the United States was an industrial economy, those skills – and the education that was required to enable them, were viable. Fast forward to today. As this is written, in early 2021, the US is no longer an industrial economy. No longer is manufacturing the backbone of the economy, and so, the skills that were in demand are no longer as viable as they once were. Of course,  a well-rounded education should include the staples such as math, history, and the english language, but the fact is that the economy is no longer dependent on a workforce to man a factory floor. Due to globalization, factories are no longer the driving force of the economy, having been replaced by a service economy.

Emini Trading As Job Security

What are the job skills in demand in the service economy? Unfortunately, a great many service jobs don’t require any special skills at all; and as a result, don’t pay a decent wage and nowhere near the factory jobs they replaced.

But not all service jobs are low paying. In fact, some service jobs pay very high salaries and among the highest paying jobs in the service sector are FINANCIAL SERVICES.

Financial service jobs are in very high demand. In fact, financial engineers can earn many times what their mechanical counterparts were paid in the industrial economy of the past.

You probably get the point that an education in things “financial” should be included in general studies and can be extremely valuable if utilized in pursuit of profit.

Learning how to trade may not be considered a financial service in the same way as, say, accountant or book keeper, but it is indeed a part of finance and as such, in the mainstream of today’s service economy. If you don’t believe this, consider this fact: trading activities are the most profitable divisions of many big banks and financial institutions. Yes, trading. So, is it worthwhile for you to learn how to trade?

Not everyone who learns how to trade is successful, but every successful trader has invested in a trading education.

The emini trading course I offer here at Timelessdollar will teach you everything you’ll ever need to know for you to become a successful trader. Definitely check it out – subscribe to my mailing list to learn about it.

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