
How Retirees Make Extra Income

How Can Retirees Make Extra Income?

Forced to Retire Prematurely? Lost Your Job? Downsized? Excessed? Laid Off? Can’t find Other Work? Overqualified (translation: too old)?

An article appearing in a major money magazine (Money Magazine?) listed several ways that retirees could make extra income. They are, in no particular order (drum roll, please……..):

  • Freelance
  • Rent a spare room
  • Make and sell crafts on Etsy
  • Pet sit
  • Mock juror
  • Offer virtual assistant services
  • Become a career coach
  • Take paid surveys
  • Teach english

Rewarding as these suggestions may be, it’s doubtful that, except for teaching english, any of them can bring in enough money on a consistent basis to fill the financial chasm faced by many of today’s retirees. Pensions don’t really exist anymore and in their place, employers now offer 401k plans. The effect of switching from “defined benefit plans” to “defined contribution plans” has had a staggeringly negative effect on retirees’ financial security.

Making matters worse, the cost of living has greatly outpaced retirees’ incomes. The reality is that many retirees struggle just to pay their monthly bills.

Retirees need a better answer to their financial problems than pet sitting or taking paid surveys. What about learning how to day trade? (gasp!) YES, DAY TRADING FOR SENIORS. But how to day trade in a way that makes money consistently? And what should retirees trade? And how to trade with low risk so that losing trades don’t result in a significant monetary loss?

Any retiree finding a day trading method that has all those features:

  • Consistent profits
  • High percentage of winners
  • A vehicle that’s easy to trade
  • Very low risk
  • Limited monetary loss on losing trades

A retiree finding a trading method with those features would be like finding the Golden Fleece, or the Holy Grail.

At this point I’ll make my pitch:

Enroll in “Trading Mastery For Financial Freedom”. The only course you need to make money consistently and support yourself and your family.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin

Day trading is a skill that many retirees need to learn. Learn to trade! Yes,  you CAN learn to trade – it’s the most valuable skill of all because it can support a retiree for the rest of his or her life. Retirees can become financially independent and live without fear of running out of money.

Let me show you how to lose your fear of running out of money by learning how to trade. YOU CAN LEARN THIS SKILL. I’ve made a video that explains why trading is the most VALUABLE skill you can ever learn. Also, subscribe to my mailing list to learn more about my course, “Trading Mastery For Financial Freedom” at timelessdollar.com. Simply click the button.