Yesterday, on August 13th, I wrote an article entitled:
“How retirees can handle the fear of running out of money”
and yesterday, August 13th, the S&P Index opened at 2880 and closed at 2926, for a gain of 46 points. Retirees were understandably happy that their portfolios increased in value. Never mind that the gains were caused by a presidential tweet, having nothing to do with the underlying economy.
Today, August 14, the stock market reacted to what is really going on in the underlying economy: that things are really not good, with the S&P index closing down 54 points and the Dow Jones industrial average closing down a whopping 800 points! And the economic news is not likely to improve with more Presidential tweets, as the President is seen worldwide as an emperor with no clothing.

Happiness is knowing you’ll never run out of money
Well, this retiree (that’s me, “cousin” Marv Eisen, is not bothered at all by the slide in the market. In fact, I’m a pretty happy guy. You see, today, August 14, I made $1,100 trading S&P Emini futures. And I made that money working very hard sitting at my desk in front of my computer eating a tuna fish sandwich.
I started trading years ago and at first, frankly, it didn’t go too well. I had taken a trading course by a so-called “guru” and I thought that I was well prepared.Well, fast forward to today. I’ve learned a lot since then and I know what to trade and how to trade, And I can teach anyone who is willing to learn and practice what I teach them.
If you are interested in making money for the rest of your life and all through your retirement years – click this button:

Today, August 14th, was a really good day for me – even with the market down 800 points! I can make money in a down market just as easily as in an upmarket. I don’t care how the market moves – I can make money. So can YOU!
If you are worried about running out of money in retirement, you are not alone. Running out of money is the main concern of most people in or approaching retirement. And, there is VERY good reason to be concerned — VERY concerned.
Running Out of Money is Retiree’s Number One Concern
Study after study reveals that running out of money is the number one thing that scares people about retirement.
Scarier than Dying:Â Research suggests that more than 60% of baby boomers are more afraid of running out of money than dying.
You’re Right to Be Scared
According to a detailed report by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), many of us are in fact very likely to run out of money — no matter your income level.
- 83 percent of baby boomers in the lowest income quartile will run out of money in retirement
- 47 percent of boomers in the second-lowest quartile will run out
- 28 percent of boomers in the second-highest quartile will run out
- 13 percent of boomers in the highest income quartile will run out
HOLY S@#$%!
The above data refers to people who will be retired for 35 years. The data is only slightly better if you are living in retirement for 20 years — but even then a full 81 percent of the lowest income quartile and 8 percent in the highest income quartile will run out of money.
Even one out of ten of the richest among us will run out of money in retirement!
Yikes! Yikes! YIKES!
I'm offering you a solution to your biggest fear - at a low price - and with a 100% money-back guarantee.
If you’ve read this far you’re concerned about your finances into the future. I know you’re skeptical about a stranger telling you he can teach you how to make money for the rest of your life. I understand. But doing nothing is not a good strategy.
So, I’ll make you a deal: Sign up for my trading course and I’ll teach you how to trade profitably and consistently. It costs only $379, and I guarantee you will like it or you get a FULL refund.Â