
Smart Emini Traders Don’t Miss The Big Picture

Smart Emini Traders Don’t Miss The Big Picture


Smart Emini Traders Look At The Big Picture To Score Big Profits

Most emini traders look at the market minute by minute. Looking at the immediate price action and scalping a few points is a technique that many day traders use but scalping can only go so far in making any real money on a consistent basis. Successful trading, and especially trading for a living, requires a broader approach. Instead of grabbing a few points, an emini trader can really profit by looking at the big picture. This is especially true for traders who overtrade, as one of the causes of overtrading is trying to make up for scalping losses. Instead, an emini trader can make only a few trades on a WEEKLY or MONTHLY basis and do exceedingly well. Unfortunately, most day traders don’t have the knowledge or skills to do this. To be a successful trader requires (beyond knowing how to trade by taking a course and gaining experience) looking at the big picture. This video hints at what a day trader can learn about where prices are going by looking at the big picture (and the knowledge to know what they are looking for).

Anyone who wants to learn how to day trade S&P emini futures needs to look at the big picture in order to score the biggest profits. Trading is not easy to do because it is impossible to know the future with any degree of certainty. But the market does give off signals and a wise trader needs to know how to interpret the signals. Market prices seem to move erratically, but with enough information, trading S&P emini futures can be done with a greater assurance of success. An S&P emini futures trader who has Information about market signals and knows how to use them makes knowledgeable traders much more successful than others who use “seat of the pants” method. 

Some of the information that S&P emini futures traders should have are:

  1. The Trend
  2. The Intraday and / or Low
  3. The Calculated Trading Zone via Taylor’s Book Method
  4. The daily calculated range
  5. Support and resistance levels
  6. Stochastics
  7. Candlestick patterns

These are some of the bits and pieces of information every trader needs to have in order to assess a trade. Of course, that is not to say that even with all this information a trade will work out, but having this knowledge puts the odds of success more on the trader’s side.

Having as much information as possible gives S&P emini day traders a big advantage over “seat of the pants” traders. It cannot be stressed enough that without learning as much as possible about the market, it is highly unlikely that a trader will succeed at making money by day trading S&P emini futures, much less in a trading career.

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