
Taylor Trading Technique on NinjaTrader

Taylor Trading Technique on NinjaTrader

Big News from Timeless Dollar Trading Academy!

Timeless Dollar Trading Academy is proud to announce we have been selected as a vendor by NinjaTrader! As NinjaTrader vendor, our resources are available on the NinjaTrader Ecosystem Directory. We’re extremely honored to become an approved NinjaTrader vendor.

Timeless Dollar Trading Academy is proud to announce we have been selected as a vendor by NinjaTrader! As NinjaTrader vendor, our resources are available on the NinjaTrader Ecosystem Directory.

We’re extremely honored to become an approved NinjaTrader vendor. What this means is that traders on the NinjaTrader platform can easily find and utilize our trading resources and training. Our initial listing is our Taylor Trading Technique Calculator.

Timeless Dollar Trading Academy is the only trading school that has developed a Microsoft Windows program that gives traders the power of Taylor’s Trading Technique, the calculations developed by George Taylor in the 1950’s and used by professional traders to this day. This video is an overview of how to download and set up the Taylor Trading Technique Calculator and also shows how easy it is to use. Traders can now find our Taylor Trading Technique Calculator on the NinjaTrader Ecosystem Directory, at https://ninjatraderecosystem.com. 

Just click the link above and enter “Taylor Trading Technique” in the search box.

S&P emini futures day traders need as much information as possible to make better trading decisions. Market prices move erratically, but the Taylor Trading Zone is based on calculations developed by George Taylor 75 years ago. 

Almost all professional traders use the Taylor Trading Technique every day to help them make profitable trades – because the trading zone has proven to be the next best thing to having a crystal ball. Click the banner below to for more information, read testimonials from users, and how to download your own Taylor Trading Technique Calculator.

    taylor trading technique

    Having as much information as possible gives S&P emini day traders a big advantage over “seat of the pants” traders. Without learning as much as possible about the market, it is highly unlikely that a trader will succeed at making money as a day trader.

    See more videos about day trading on my Youtube channel.

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